In-house Services
Engine maintenance solutions, including hospital and quick-turn activity.
Off-wing Services
A range of innovative solutions including one-stop wing/airport remote service offering engine transition support.
Engine maintenance capabilities across CF34-8, CFM56-5 & 7 and RB211-524 platforms, including;

- Lease returns inspection
- Maintenance Programs C-Check / MPD Tasks
- Engine module changes
- Airworthiness Directive (AD) and Service Bulletin (SB) Compliance
- LRU Removal and Replacement (Gearbox etc.)
- QEC Swap / Conversions
- Engine Teardown
- Part Identification / Packaging / ERP – Tracking & Inventorying
- Engine Storage / Preservation programs
- Sealed Engine Wrapping
- Boroscope Inspections

CFM56-5 & CFM56-7B
- Engine Teardown
- Part Identification / Packaging / ERP – Tracking & Inventorying
- LRU Removal / Checks
- End of Life Programs
- Engine Storage / Preservation programs
- Sealed Engine Wrapping
- Boroscope Inspection

- Lease returns inspection
- Maintenance Programs C-Check / MPD Tasks
- Engine module changes
- LRU Removal and Replacement (Gearbox etc)
- QEC Swap / QEC Conversions
- Airworthiness Directive (AD) and Service Bulletin (SB) Compliance
- Engine Teardown
- End of Life Programs
- Part Identification / Packaging / ERP – Tracking & Inventorying
- Sealed Engine Wrapping
- Engine Storage / Preservation programs
- Boroscope Inspections
Explore our Facility
Further complementing our engine maintenance activity, our EASA Part 145, FAA and CAA Part 145 approved, temperature and humidity monitored facility is complete with a 10-tonne gantry overhead crane, a fire detection system and has the capacity to store up to 45 large fan engines or 55 small fan engines, or a combination of both.